This is the first in hopefully a long series of podcast interviews with inspiring vegan activists and creators.:)
Emma Schwarz is the co-founder of veganography.org, creating films and photos about farmed animals that tell their stories. Some of her films are:
I talked with her about effective activism within the animal rights movements, which is also the topic of her upcoming book (ready for pre-order in December). Some key points included communication style, the power of storytelling, the importance of self-care and self-awareness in activists, and frugivores!
We had a great time and I hope you will enjoy this interview as much as I did and take away some inspiration. You can connect with veganography on Instagram.
Sadly it was difficult to find a fitting hosting site, and in the end I had to opt for one that only enabled the audio of the original video - so sadly you won't get to see her beautiful animal portrays while listening, but I will add some of them here and you can find more of her work on her website.:)
Listen to the interview HERE.
