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For Equality, Healing, and Awareness

Oct 5, 20235 min read
White Privilege And Me
Overcoming my fear and starting to talk about racism as a white person is part of my personal trauma recovery.

Sep 3, 20238 min read
Being Vegan And Homeless
Many think it's not possible to be homeless and vegan, but the cheapest foods have always been plant-based.

Jul 30, 20232 min read
Interview with Author/Psychotherapist Gill Frost
Author/counsellor Gill Frost talks about her 1st client with Dissociative Identity and her child parts taking charge of her trauma recovery.

Jul 16, 20237 min read
Why Vegan Activism Needs To Be Intersectional And Trauma-Informed
Veganism is about compassion. It is therefore crucial that our movement is consistently compassionate with ALL victims of oppression.

Mar 28, 202313 min read
Chronic Fatigue Or Collapse State?
As a sufferer of Chronic Fatigue, trauma recovery made me see that it's the chronic collapse state, paralleling Gabor Maté's realisations.

Jan 29, 20235 min read
Carnism And Dissociation
How dissociation and trauma play into the paradox of people who identify as animal lovers, but eat animals.

Jan 15, 20234 min read
How Making Videos About Complex Trauma Helps Me
Learning to use your voice and be seen is part of the healing journey from Complex Trauma.

Nov 2, 20225 min read
The Legal And Social Normalisation Of Misogyny
Rape culture teaches us that the sexual objectification of women is normal, to the point where abusing them is accepted as entertainment.

Oct 28, 20225 min read
On The Intersection Of Abuse Survivors, Veganism, And Feminism
As a vegan feminist survivor of childhood abuse, I see how all forms of oppression are connected and need to challenged as one.

Aug 30, 20224 min read
Stop Calling My Survival A Disorder
Not only the abusive parents fail their child - the mental health system does so too by calling a dissociative identity a "disorder".

May 22, 202213 min read
Finding My Cultural Identity Through Trauma Recovery
This is a very personal account of how therapy and my own inner work initiated a process of self-discovery about my cultural identity.

May 1, 20227 min read
What It’s Like To Have "OSDD"
A short overview of what makes the Dissociative Identity type OSDD different from DID and what the lived experience is like.

Apr 11, 20227 min read
What It Really Means To Break The Cycle
When it comes to breaking the cycle of abuse in complex trauma recovery, learning to recognise your false and true self is key.
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