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This is a list of links to pages about related topics which might be helpful for further information and/or support. I don't take responsibility for any third-party content, their content does not reflect my opinions, and I am not affiliated with any of these sites.

Complex Trauma & Dissociative Identity

Websites or blog posts that offer more information on complex trauma and dissociative identity, as well as support services for victims (be aware that most of them use the disorder-language) .

My YouTube channel about trauma, DI, and a non-pathologising approach to mental health

Short blog post about the documentary "The Wisdom Of Trauma" on the website of Gabor Maté (about trauma being the main cause of mental health and some physical health suffering, or in short - trauma is everywhere).

The ERNI (Emotions aRe Not Illnesses) declaration is based on the idea that distress does not equal disease, dysfunction, dysregulation, or chemical imbalance. Signatories believe that there needs to be a shift from illness and diagnosis ideas to personal narratives and understandings. 

Campaign to challenge the culture of psychiatric diagnosis.

Fundamentally re-thinking UK mental health practice
and promoting positive change (contains links to "Mad In-" blogs all over the world).

National Survivor User Network (UK). A network for people with lived experience of trauma, mental health issues, neurodivergence, and disability. Great weekly newsletter with news, blogs, events/projects, and job opportunities.

A website run by psychologists and vocal therapists about the connection between voice  and trauma. Very insightful and has a lot of interesting recorded Zoom events with practitioners from different fields talking about how they help people with Complex Trauma.

Collective to support people who self-harm and to help others support in an accepting, respectful way - lived experience based.

PESI (Blog)

A psychotherapy online education platform aimed mostly at professionals, but the blog is accessible for all and has a lot of interesting posts by different psychologists/counsellors (you can filter the search results for subjects).

Introduction into attachment theory and how attachment in infancy prevents or causes trauma.

A blog post on, featuring an interview with Richard Schwartz, who founded the Internal Family System therapy. Good as a start into parts work.

A blog by the counsellor Jay Reid, focusing on the narcissistic abuse of children, who have been cast into the scapegoat role.

An introduction to the different roles that children are assigned to in dysfunctional/abusive families. I found the sections about the Lost Child and Scapegoat particularly helpful.

A blog post on about the Lost Child role.

A short blog post on about the Lost Child role.

A blog post by the counsellor Michael G. Quirke about narcissistic parents, Complex Trauma, and toxic shame.

Intersectional Feminism & Gender Equality/Veganism & Animal Rights

Websites or blog posts of intersectional feminist and/or vegan campaigns, organisations, and individuals.

My FB group to connect vegan feminists (sadly an FB group ghost - but I'm always open for revival ideas).

Website of Aph Ko, black vegan activist and author.

A blog about intersectional feminism and veganism, with further resources.

The blog of A. Breeze Harper, focusing on racial justice and feminism within veganism.

Interconnections between ableism & speciesism, (dis)ability & animality.

Every act of kindness matters.

Equality for all beings. Intersectional vegan blog, with a focus on queer activists (in English & German).

The website of Carol J. Adams, who wrote the book "The sexual politics of meat."

A talk by Lisa Kemmerer on YouTube about the connections between the different types of oppression.

A blog about Elsie Shrigley, who co-founded the Vegan Society and co-coined the term veganism.

Website and YouTube channel about dismantling toxic masculinity, meeting men where they are.

A UK campaign against the gendering of clothes, focusing mainly on children's clothes.

A UK organisation that offers training for schools to challenge gender stereotypes and teach children about gender equality. The link leads to the report of their pilot evaluation in 5 primary schools in London in 2018/19.

Blog post about students in the UK supporting the #ClothesHaveNoGender campaign.

Book List

Some books about trauma, feminism, and veganism (in alphabetical order by author). Please be aware that I haven't read any of them, so they're not recommendations in the true sense, just ideas.



-Adams, Carol J.: The Sexual Politics Of Meat (on the objectification of women and animals)


-Frost, Gill: The Girls Within - A True Story Of Triumph Over Trauma And Abuse (Dissociative Identity)


-Jones, Pattrice: Aftershock (trauma & intersectional activism)


-Ko, Aph: Racism as Zoological Witchcraft: A Guide to Getting Out (looks at the tensions between the anti-racist and animal rights movements, and how to resolve them)


-Ko, Aph & Ko, Syl: Aphro-ism: Essays on Pop Culture, Feminism, and Black Veganism from Two Sisters


-Mann, Clare: Vystopia (the trauma of being vegan in a non-vegan world)


-Maté, Gabor: The Myth Of Normal (how common trauma is in western society and how it causes mental health issues)


-Sanders, Pete & Tolan, Janet: People Not Pathology: Freeing therapy from the medical model


-Van Der Kolk, Bessel: The Body Keeps The Score (trauma and how it is stored in the body)


-Wennell, Patricia - Because It Didn't Stop When It Ended (Survivor's story about her Dissociative Identity and trauma recovery)

In Defense Of Animals has a support line (phone, e-mail, and chat) for animal rights activists, as well as self-help resources.

Network for all kinds of vegan researches to connect and share news with (I'm in it).

A sheet packed with a ton of links to all kinds of info you might need as a vegan, by the vegan hacktivists.

Blog series about indigenous vegan activists by Sentient Media.

Blog post by Melanie Joy on the Proveg-website, addressing sexual harassment in the vegan activist movement.

Animal Rebellion is a social justice movement that seeks to end animal agriculture through nonviolent action. It started out in the UK but has become as world-wide movement.

A blog post by the counsellor Shiri Raz about the specific trauma that vegans experience.

An interview with Clare Mann on about her book "Vystopia" (a word of warning: if you search for more info about Clare Mann, you'll inevitably come across a photo of her and other people engaging in activism, which contains mutilated animal bodies and is very graphic. The interview linked to here does not contain this photo.)

A paper by Kelsey Brown on the connections and similarities between the oppression of women and animals (2016, 22 pages).

A short docu of Melanie Joy (who coined the term carnism talking about carnism within the larger framework of other relational dysfunctions that give rise to oppression. Found on her website Beyond Carnism.

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